Welcome back students! Tuesday, September 5 Finish second graphing handout
Wednesday, September 6 Finish skill #2
Thursday, September 7 Finish graphing handout where you must calculate the x and y intercepts
Thursday, September 14 Math 3000 p14 #1 a) to f)
Tuesday, September 19 Work on skill #4 graph #1 to 4
Monday, September 25 finish skill #6 as an equality
Tuesday, September 26 Work on skill 7 Test on inequalities on Friday
Wednesday, September 27 do skills 7,8 9 #1 to 3
Tuesday, October 3 Math 3000 p19 #1 a) to c) Sit prob on Thursday
Wednesday, October 4 Work on skill 12 pkg the first problem (fully complete)
Thursday, October 5 Sit prob has been delayed until Tuesday
Tuesday, October 24 Finish Skill #1 graphing vocabulary
Wednesday, October 25 Finish math 3000 p40 to 44 as well as work sheets Quiz this Friday
Thursday, November 2 Quiz this Friday on Eular and Hamiltonian chains and cycles
Thursday, December 7 there will be a sit problem tomorrow on chapter 2 (graphing) There will be a quiz on exponential functions next Tuesday, December 12
Tuesday, December 12 There will be a quiz on exponential functions on Wednesday. If you miss the test, you can write it on Thursday at lunch
Tuesday, December 19 There will be a test on logs this Thursday
Tuesday, January 9 There will be a test on inequalities this Friday
Friday, February 23 We will be working on sine law as well as cosine law this week. There will be a sit problem on interest on Friday
Monday, March 19 Correct math quiz tonight I will be available at lunch for extra help or tomorrow morning